Dave & I have been avid NAVHDA members for over 30 years and are also NAVHDA �North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association judges with Julie being a Sr. Judge. We currently have 4 Griffs our current breeding stock now consists of K.C. and Ritz and Viper and Amy. We still have our very first Griffon, Uplands Purdy Schatze in most of our girl's pedigrees if you look back far enough.


Our 2025 plans included a one maybe two� litters� - see out litter to come page for details . The rest of the year our plans are to continue to train Amy for Utility testing next spring as we are going to give it one more shot.

I am still not a very good webmaster so if something is not working please let me know. Thanks!!


Dave and I love to hunt and so do our dogs!!



de Jac Pine Kennels

De Jac Pine Griffons


Dave & Julie A Carlstrom

13610 Griffith Ave.

Bancroft, WI� 54921


de Jac Pine Kennels

4 + generations of NAVHDA testing

Our first UT

Prize I dog


Page was updated� 2-15-25


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De Jacs Just In Case� retired


NA I 108 pts UT III 167

L.29 R.30

De Jacs Puttn on the Ritz


NA I 105 pts� UPT III 141

L.15 R .18

De Jacs V.I.P


NA III 76 pts

L.30 R. 31

De Jacs Amy


NA III 93 pts UT II 175